I was reading up on another blog from Cambodia and found this piece of news.
The headline 'Lightning kills more Cambodians than Landmines' seems perverse in itself, but it's true. Known as one of the most heavily-mined countries on the planet, demining operations and landmine safety education have led to a sharp decrease in landmine deaths in recent years. To-date in 2008, landmines have killed nine people, but for the same period, 77 Cambodians have died due to lightning strikes. This doesn't take into account the number of injuries sustained as a result of landmines (Cambodia has over 40,000 amputees) and lightning bolts but in itself, the relatively low number of landmine deaths is positive news, if you can call any death a positive. Last year, landmines killed 26 people, with lightning killing another 45, so the sharp increase in lightning deaths is becoming a major concern.
The lightening here is at time scary, you see a mix of fork and sheet and at time you see strikes hitting land.
A month ago i was sitting watching the free light/sound show on our balcony (its covered so you feel apart from it all) on the street next to ours a young man was hit and killed as he lent on a steel fence.
Looking forward to the end of Monsoon!
I have added Andy Brouwer onto my blog, who knows if it will work (Im a damn newbie) but his blog makes interesting reading
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