Thursday, 16 October 2008

Whats in the newspaper today then?

The Kep seafood shacks are being moved.

For 15 years the area along the waterfront has had a collection of shacks that serves a collection of the yummiest seafood i've eaten, all washed down with the typical Kep chilli sauce that makes your tongue pucker even as your tastebuds smile.

Now they are being offered $2000 to move somewhere else..... The land is supposedly being turned into a park but most people believe that a property developer has plans on a beachfront hotel.

Hmmmm sound like Boeung Kak Lake to anyone?

A regretable but seemingly daily reminder that the rich are finding ways to get richer while the country and the population is left to count the cost.

The grade 3-6 students are studying an inquiry under the banner of "sharing the planet".

They are looking at Cambodia as a focal point and there is so much they could be doing, the examples of people working to help the environment are so clear as are the effects of placing too much emphasis on quick profit and unsustainable practice.

It is interesting having to walk a fairly thin line between discussing the negative influences having a govt with to ready links to development for profit and the realisation that quite a few students have parents in that same area......

It is fun being back involved in inquiry based learning, the old teacher inside of me misses the development process that happens as kids start seeing the connections and realising the opportuniities that learning can give them. phew thats enough passionate teacherness for the day! lol

Have been playing with Jing, which lets me capture anything on my screen as a video or image file. For me it means i can capture short animations about the inquiry topics and use them at a later date with students without worrying about internet connectivity or download speed. Getting back into using tech as a tool for learning has been a rude shock for me, i have a computer on my wishlist as i still need to sit and learn how to use the adobe suite of software(Robin figures in my plans here!!)

Have a few days in Bangkok coming up, I am going to the ISTEC conference which is for the IT teachers in the region, i bet it is a good place to meet greet and listen to some experts in the tech field and see how they are applying the tools to learning.

Broke the news to May that i was off for a weekend in thailand and for many reasons that initially went down like a lead balloon, luckily i have to go there to process our application for a visa for May to allow her to travel with me to NZ either this Xmas or more likely next June (we will have nearly 3 months off work then)

The number of hoops you have to jump through to get a visa makes you realise how easy it is for Barang to travel thoroughout Asia and the world for that matter.

A quote from a Cambodian soldier on the Thai/Cambodian border at Preah Vihear to finish

"We didn't touch anything, we left it here for them"said Mom Kiri referring to the weapons , personal effects and bedding that the Thai troops dropped as they escaped the fighting that erupted on Wed.

He was pictured with one of the Thai soldiers coming to collect his rifle.... there is a joke in there somewhere but as the photo below confimrs the situation is too tense to be funny.

Here is hoping sense prevails

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